Cherl Crews grew up in Northern Virginia exploring various art mediums, favoring sculpture and collage by making use of materials that she gathered from nature, thrift stores and garbage dumps. She received her degree in the visual arts/photography, while supplementing her education at the Corcoran School of Art in Washington, D.C. There she worked as a graphic artist for over a decade before turning her focus to environmental activism. Better known as Living Sky in the artist community, she has since directed her skills to creative writing and now seeks to combine her talents by introducing a unique series of books on tour titled "The Living Library". Living Sky can be found re-visiting her sacred creativity while residing with her family, surrounded by the beautiful mountains of Rappahannock County, Virginia.
Artist Statement
For the May Day installation I would like to invite all who attend the Bohemian Banquet to take part in a collective art project and to assist me in a journey that i have begun to illustrate a new world pledge of allegiance; Project Pledge. With the outline in mural form it is my vision for all friends, artists, youth, and guests of the days events to contribute something dear to heart and of the earth on this mural.
The primary focus or theme of the mural will be endangered species, aren't we all! It is my intention for the finished mural to then find it's way to a predominant and permanent location here in the county for all to view and enjoy. I would like to contribute to this experience by bringing some recognition to all of us around the globe who do their part to protect and cherish our planet and celebrate our humanity. We are truly blessed here in Rappahannock to have such a strong and creative community with it's ever widening circle, Hail Zeitgeist" we are indeed the spirit of this time.
living sky